If you’re discouraged by the appearance of your double chin, you’re not alone. Whether it’s genetics or fat that is resistant to diet & exercise, chin fat can be stubborn cosmetic issue. Luckily, there are new non-invasive option to reduce submental fat known as Kybella and CoolMini. Which may leave you to wonder: which is best for me?

Kybella vs. CoolMini - Double chin treatment Marietta

Kybella: Kybella is an injectable, formulated with deoxycholic acid, that is inserted into the skin to reduce the appearance of a double chin. It is the first and only injectable to be approved by the FDA for treating submental fullness, and does it all without invasive surgery or extensive recovery time. A typical procedure lasts about 20 minutes and most patients return to their daily activities immediately following the procedure. Most patients notice optimal results with 2 to 6 treatment sessions.

CoolMini: CoolMini utilizes the revolutionary CoolSculpting technology to treat stubborn fat on a smaller scale. The CoolMini uses a smaller applicator to target fat underneath the chin, essentially freezing and destroying the fat. The fat cells are gradually flushed out of the body through normal metabolic processes, with final results noticeable after just one or two visits. The CoolMini procedure is completely non-invasive and requires no downtime or recovery period. Most patients will read or even take a nap during a treatment session, and then return to work following the procedure.

The Verdict: Both Kybella and CoolMini are safe, FDA-approved procedures to dramatically reduce the appearance of chin fat. Because of their non-invasive nature, each procedure allows patients to see noticeable results without significant downtime.

The CoolMini is ideal for patients with loose or mature skin, and for those who would like to avoid injections entirely. One of the biggest differences between the two is that Kybella is performed through a series of small injections. Kybella may be ideal for patients who want to treat smaller areas of fat deposits.

Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center proudly serves clients in the Marietta and surrounding Atlanta areas! To learn more about treating your double chin with CoolMini or Kybella, or to schedule your consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center, please fill out the form on this page or call (770) 422-5557.

You’ve got plans this summer and you want to step out each day with your head held high.  Unfortunately, it seems as though no matter how often you exercise or diet, your double chin just won’t budge. Your confidence is less than stellar when you feel like all anyone looks at is your double chin when they see you.

Fortunately, there are a number of treatments out there that can help you address fat around your neck and jawline, including a neck lift and Kybella injections.

But which treatment is right for you?

Why You Should Consider Kybella

For people with severe neck fat and sagging skin, neck lifts can be a viable solution; however, this invasive procedure is expensive and involves a significant amount of recovery time. Kybella, on the other hand, is a non-invasive injectable that uses deoxycholic acid to dissolve stubborn fat located underneath the chin.  Recently approved by the FDA in April of 2015, Kybella can be used to permanently eliminate your double chin, leading to a more contoured and streamlined appearance.

So how do you know which treatment is right for you?

If you’re looking for fast, permanent results without surgery or downtime, then it’s time to introduce yourself to Kybella injections for double chin.

Kybella at Skin Cancer Specialists, P.c. & Aesthetic Center

Don’t let double chin hold you back from enjoying the best summer ever. Contact Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. and Aesthetic Center to schedule a Kybella consultation for the removal of chin fat.  We can help you determine if you’re an ideal candidate for this innovative injectable.

Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. and Aesthetic Center has five locations in the greater Atlanta area, meaning there’s a location near you!

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